Dr. Dayalan Memorial Oration Award Endowment
Mr. K. M. Yusuf Memorial Oration Award Endowment
Prof KGV Travel Fellowship Endowment
TPPS Annamalai Medal for best paper
TPPS – Dr T. Gnanaseelan Memorial Prize
Dr. Dayalan Memorial oration awardees
Dr KG Kumaravel Memorial oration awardees
Mr. K.M. Yusuf oration awardees
TPPS-KGV Travel fellowship awardees
Winners of TPPS-Annamalai Medal for best paper
Winners of TPPS-Dr T. Gnanaseelan Memorial Prize
Dr. Dayalan Memorial Oration Award Endowment
Dr. Dayalan was a legendry teacher of pedialric surgery. His admirers raised funds and created this endowment to foster his memories.
Donors of the endowment desire to honor those pediatric surgeons who have contributed significantly the specialty and welfare of children
Family members of Dr Dayalan and his colleagues and students are the donors of this endowment
The award is named as “TPPS -Dr Dayalan memorial oration award”
Donations by the family members of Dr Dayalan and contributions made by his admirers, colleagues and student were the sources of funds for this endowment.
Corpus money consists of Rupees one lakh only (Rs 1,00,000). It is invested as fixed deposit in a nationalized bank Interest from the deposit shall be used every year to organize oration during the annual conference of TPPS by a renowned pediatric surgeon.
- The award shall be bestowed upon an accomplished Pediatric surgeon who has contributed significantly to the welfare of children.
- The award shall be given to the awardees upon delivering an oration during the annual conference of TPPS.
- The awardees need not be a member of TPPS. Even foreign nationals may be considered for the award.
- Nominations of the award shall be forwarded by two ordinary members of TPPS before June 30th of the preceding year. Nominations addressed to the Honorary Secretary of TPPS shall be accompanied by the curriculum Vitae of the nominee and a brief statement as to why the nominee deserves the honor. Self nomination will be a disqualification. All such nominations shall be discussed at the Executive committee meeting and a rank order is drawn. After due concurrence of the general body the first order nominee shall be invited to deliver the oration. If due to some reasons the first order nominee is unable to accept the invitation then the second rank person shall be invited.
- In anyone particular year if no nominations are received from members of TPPS, the executive committee or the chairperson, in that order, may decide the orator of the following year.
- The award shall consist of a gold plated silver medal and a citation. The awardee shall be provided with appropriate travel and dearness allowances. The local organizing team of annual conference shall provide local hospitality for the awardee.
- The award shall be presented by the chairman of TPPS during the annual conference of the TPPS. The award session shall be chaired by the chairperson and honorary secretary of the TPPS.
- Executive committee members of TPPS are ineligible for this award until 2 years after completing their tenure.
- The award shall not be given to the same person again in subsequent years.
- Amendment passed in GBM on 15.7.2005: The award shall be given in rotation to an eminent pediatric surgeon of Tamilnadu & Pondicherry state, of Indian Territory and of international community respectively in consecutive years.
Mr. K. M. Yusuf Memorial Oration Award Endowment
Kodikalpalayam Mohammed Yusuf was a multifaceted personality who was a popular politician, philanthropist and social worker. In his memory his son Dr Abul Hassan (pediatric surgeon) has instituted this award.
Donors of the endowment desire to acknowledge significant contributions of a Non Pediatric Surgeon to the specialty of pediatric surgery or to the welfare of children. By this they aim to promote interdisciplinary interaction and to foster good understanding with experts of medical specialties allied to pediatric surgery.
Kodikalpalayam Mohammed Yusuf trust is the donor of this endowment.
The award is named as uTPPS -K. M. Yusuf memorial oration award”
Donations by the family members of Md Yusuf and contributions made by Kodikalpalayam Mohammed Yusuf trust were the sources of funds for this endowment.
Corpus money consists of Rupees two lakh only (Rs 2,00,000). It is invested as fixed deposit in a nationalized bank. Interest from the deposit shall be used every year to organize oration during the annual conference of TPPS.
- The award shall be bestowed upon an accomplished medical person who has contributed significantly to the welfare of children or understanding of childhood surgical diseases. Eminent persons of specialties allied to pediatric surgery are eligible for this award. Pediatric surgeons are not eligible for this award.
- The award shall be given to the awardee upon delivering an oration during the annual conference of TPPS
- The awardee need not be a member of TPPS. Even foreign nationals may be considered for the award.
- Nominations of the award shall be forwarded by two ordinary members of TPPS before June 30th of the preceding year. Nominations addressed to the Honorary Secretary of TPPS shall be accompanied by the curriculum vitae of the nominee and a brief statement as to why the nominee deserves the honor. Self nomination will be a disqualification. All such nominations shall be discussed at the Executive committee meeting and a rank order is drawn. After due concurrence of Dr Abul Hassan or representative of the donor the first order nominee shall be invited to deliver the oration. If due to some reasons the first order nominee is unable to accept the invitation then the second rank person shall be invited.
- In any one particular year if no nominations are received from members of TPPS, the executive committee or the chairperson, in that order, may decide the orator of the following year. By courtesy, Dr Abul Hassan or representative of the donor is usually taken into confidence while finalizing the orator.
- The award shall consist of a gold plated silver medal and a citation. The awardee shall be provided with appropriate travel and dearness allowances. The local organizing team of annual conference shall provide local hospitality for the awardee.
- The award shall be presented by the Chairperson of TPPS during the annual conference of the TPPS. The award session shall be chaired by the chairperson and chairperson-elect of the TPPS.
- Executive committee members of TPPS are ineligible for this award until 2 years after completing their tenure. Similarly blood related persons of the donor’s family, non-medical persons and qualified pediatric surgeons are also ineligible for this award.
- The award shall not be given to the same person again in subsequent years.
Prof KGV Travel Fellowship Endowment
Prof KG Vivekanandan was an eminent pediatric urologist at Institute of Child Health, Chennai. He died of prostatic malignancy on 30th July 2003. In his fond memory, his classmates created this endowment. The endowment was created in 2003.
Donors of the endowment aim to help those deserving pediatric surgeons working in rural India in updating their knowledge and skill. To fulfill this aim the donors wish to provide partial or full financial assistance every year to one deserving pediatric surgeon working in non-teaching institutions of India to travel to a center of excellence within the country to update his/her knowledge and skill.
Donors of the endowment are the classmates of Dr. KG Vivekanandan who are in India and USA NAME OF THE FELLOWSHIP Donors wished it to be named as “TPPS-Prof KGV Travel Fellowship”
Donations collected from the classmates of the late Dr. Vivekanandan contributes the corpus money. The corpus money consists of Rupees Two lakhs (Rs 2,00,000) only. It shall be deposited in the account of TPPS as fixed deposit in a nationalized bank. The interest accrued from it shall be used every year to realize the aims of the endowment.
- The candidate must be less than 40 years of age at the time of applying, should have passed M.Ch or DNB degree in pediatric surgery preferably with academic interest and publications. Preference shall be given to those who are working in remote areas with limited facilities so as to obtain further exposure in the current management of pediatric surgical problems including neonatal surgery. (Amendment passed in GBM on 12.7.2008: Age limitation of the applicant is deleted)
- The applicant should be a life member of TPPS.
- The fellowship will be for 2 to 4 weeks duration in a center or institution of repute in India.
- The application with curriculum vitae of the candidate should be submitted to the Honorary secretary of TPPS on or before 31 st March of the concerned year.
- The prospective candidate should submit “No Objection Certificate” from parent and host institutions.
- The award shall consist of cash prize equivalent to the actual expenditure incurred by the candidate for his / her training or the annual bank interest of the corpus money, whichever is lesser and a citation.
- The award shall be decided by a selection committee which comprise of the Chairman TPPS. Chairman -elect TPPS, Immediate past Chairman TPPS. Honorary Secretary TPPS and Prof. Ramkumar Raghupathy (On behalf of the classmates of Dr. KGY)
- The award shall be presented by the Chairman of TPPS during the annual conference of the TPPS. The candidate should avail the fellowship in the same financial year and submit the availing report to the Honorary Secretary within one month of the date of completion (latest by 30th April of the next year).
- Executive members of TPPS are ineligible for applying for this fellowship.
- The candidate should submit, to the honorary secretary of TPPS. A certificate of attendance and training from the head of the department under whom he / she had the training. Such a certificate should be submitted within one month of completion of the training.
TPPS Annamalai Medal for best paper
This endowment was created by the Division of Pediatric surgery, Annamalai University with an aim to encourage scientific research and paper presentation by pediatric surgeons of Tamilnadu and Pondicherry.
Donors of the endowment aim to encourage pediatric surgeons of Tamilnadu and Pondicherry to undertake research and present their findings.
THE AWARD To fulfill the above said aim the donor of the endowment wishes to give a cash award or gold medal and a citation every year to honor one deserving pediatric surgeon whose scientific paper is adjudged as the best work by the juries duly appointed by the executive committee of TPPS.
Donor of the endowment is Division of pediatric surgery, Rajah Muthiah Medical College, Annamalai University. NAME OF THE AWARD The award shall be named as “TPPS -Annamalai medal for best paper”
Source of funds is from the surplus money accrued from the conduct of PEDlCHIRCON 2003 (The second annual conference of TPPS at Annamalai University)
The corpus money consist of Rupees Fifty thousands (Rs 50,000) only. It shall be deposited in the account of TPPS as fixed deposit in a nationalized bank. The interest accrued from it shall be used every year to realize the aims of the endowment.
- The candidate must be a qualified pediatric surgeon with M.Ch or other degrees recognized equivalent to M.Ch by the Medical council of India. M.Ch postgraduates are also eligible for the prize.
- The candidate must have obtained or undergoing training in any one of the medical colleges or centers in India that are approved by Medical council of India.
- The candidate must be working or studying in anyone of the institutions located within Tamilnadu or Pondicherry.
- The candidate must be a life member of TPPS and IAPS.
- Pediatric surgeons more than 60 years of age and candidates from Donor’s institution (Annamalai University) shall be ineligible.
- Works already published in journals (both indexed and non-indexed) shall be ineligible.
- The Honorary secretary TPPS shall call for papers for prize paper session every year. Candidates desirous of competing shall submit abstract of their presentation on or before 30th May of the concerned . The selection committee shall scrutinize all submitted papers and short list them if necessary.
- The short listed papers shall be presented during the annual conference of TPPS in a designated prize paper session. Three judges duly appointed by the executive committee of TPPS shall adjudge the papers.
- The three judges (also the selection committee) shall comprise of the Chairman TPPS, Honorary Secretary TPPS and Professor of pediatric surgery at Annamalai University by designation. If any one of them is absent, the Chairman TPPS is empowered to fill the vacancy by suitable person.
- In case of multi-author work, the prize shall be given only to the presenting author. It is desirable that the principal investigator be the presenting author for this purpose.
- The prize winner should be announced immediately after the prize paper session. Actual prize may be distributed in the same meeting or during the next annual conference of TPPS.
- If there are no suitable candidate in any one year the unutilized interest money should be added to the corpus amount.
- Any modification of the rules shall be done with the concurrence of the donor namely the Head of pediatric surgery at Annamalai University. For this purpose the donor shall be a special invitee to the executive meeting of TPPS in which the modifications or rules are proposed.
TPPS - SEPSCON Endowment
This endowment was created by organizers of the sixth annual conference of TPPS which was jointly hosted by pediatric surgeons of Salem and Erode.
Donors of the endowment desire to encourage high standards of live operative workshop during the annual conference of TPPS. To fulfill this aim they offer partial financial support to the organization of workshop.
Organizers of the SEPSCON 2007 are the donors of this endowment.
The name of the endowment shall be “Sepscon Endowment”
Excess fund leftover after the conduct of SEPSCON 2007 is the source of funds for this endowment
Corpus money consists of Rs 1,50,000 (Rupees One Lakh and Fifty Thousand only). It should be invested as fixed deposit in a nationalized bank. Interest from the deposit shall be given to the organizers of the annual conference of TPPS to conduct live operative workshop during the Conference
- Bank interest of the endowment corpus shall be given to the organizers of TPPS annual conference towards the conduct of Live Operative Workshop during the conference.
- If the cost of workshop is in excess of the interest amount, the local organizers of the conference should raise the necessary amount of funds to meet the deficit.
- o The plenary lecture or panel discussion of the workshop, if any,shall be named as “Sepscon Lecture” or Sepscon session” respectively.
- If live operative workshop could not be arranged in anyone year, the interest money of that year shall be added to the corpus fund
- The local organizers of the workshop shall use the money to provide an unedited DVD/CD copy of the workshop demonstrations free of cost to all TPPS members irrespective of their registration to the conference.
- The local organizers shall provide the Honorary Secretary TPPS of necessary evidences for the distribution of DVD/CD copies to all TPPS members within 3 months of the workshop.
- The endowment shall be governed by trustees, which includes Chairman TPPS, Chairman-elect TPPS, Honorary Secretary TPPS and Dr S Karuppannan as representative of Sepscon organizers. Any modification of the rules shall be done with the concurrence of the donor / their representative Dr S Karuppannan
TPPS - Dr T. Gnanaseelan Memorial Prize
Dr T. Gnanaseelan was a kind hearted, diligent pediatric surgeon. He taught pediatric surgery to several generations of trainees at Madurai Medical College. This endowment was created by students, colleagues and friends of the late Dr T. Gnanaseelan to perpetuate his memory
Donors of the endowment aim to perpetuate the memory of Dr. T.Gnanaseelan. As Dr Gnanaseelan was a dedicated teacher who motivated many pediatric surgeons, the endowment in his narne is aimed to encourage undergraduate students and General surgery postgraduate students to pursue a career in pediatric surgery. Attracting the best and brightest talents to pediatric surgery is the aim of this prize. The Award to fulfill the above said aim the donors of the endowment wishes to give a cash award or gold medal and a citation every year to one deserving undergraduate (MBBS) student or General Surgery postgraduate student (MS or DNB) whose scientific paper is adjudged as the best work by the juries duly appointed by the executive committee of TPPS.
Donors of the endowment are students, colleagues and friends of Dr T. Gnanaseelan NAME OF THE AWARD The award shall be named as “TPPS -Dr. T. Gnanaseelan Memorial Prize”
Voluntary donations by the students, colleagues and friends of Dr T. Gnanaseelan is the source of this funds.
The corpus money consists of Rupees One Lakh (Rs 1,00,000)” only. It shall be deposited in the account of TPPS as fixed deposit in a nationalized bank. The interest accrued from it shall be used every year to realize the aims of the endowment (” As on May 2009 Rs 80,000 has been collected and deposited in State Bank of India as fixed term deposit. The donors promise to raise another Rs 20,000 to make it Rupees one lakh)
- The candidate must be a medical student (MBBS or Internee) or a postgraduate student of General surgery (MS or DNB) from an institution recognized by the Medical Council of India or National Board of Examinations. Candidates of alternate medicine such as Siddha, Ayurveda, Unani systems shall be ineligible for the prize.
- The candidate must produce a bonafide certificate from the head of his / her institution and a photo identity card.
- The candidate need not be a member of TPPS and need not necessarily reside within Tamilnadu or Pondicherry. The prize is open for all Indian medical students.
- The candidate must register for the conference. However, a concessional registration fee as decided by the local organizers shall be applicable for student authors.
- Conflicts of interest between the juries and candidates should be avoided. Candidates belonging to the institution of juries or those who are blood-related to juries shall be ineligible for the competition.
- The research work must have been done under the guidance or supervision of a qualified pediatric surgeon. Works which are not co-authored by the guiding pediatric surgeon shall be ineligible.
- Works already published in journals shall be ineligible.
- The Honorary secretary TPPS shall call for papers for prize paper session every year. Candidates desirous of competing shall submit abstract of their presentation on or before 30th May of the concerned year. The selection committee shall scrutinize all submitted papers and short list them if necessary.
- The short listed papers shall be presented during the annual conference of TPPS in a designated prize paper session. Three judges duly appointed by the executive committee of TPPS shall adjudge the papers.
- The three judges (also the selection committee) shall comprise of the Chairman TPPS, Dayalan Orator of the year, and a senior most pediatric surgeon (retired) identified by the chairman TPPS. If any one of them is absent or could not be elected as jury due to conflict of interest, the secretary TPPS, Head of pediatric surgery at Madurai Medical College, in that order, shall fill the vacancy.
- In case of multi-author work, the prize shall be given only to the presenting student author. Senior authors shall not be permitted to be the presenting authors.
- The prize winner should be announced immediately after the prize paper session. Actual prize may be distributed in the same meeting or during the next annual conference of TPPS.
- If there are no suitable candidates in anyone year the unutilized interest money should be added to the corpus amount.
- A:ny modification of the rules shall be done with the concurrence of the donors. For this purpose Dr V. Raveenthiran shall represent the donors. He shall be a special invitee to the executive meeting of TPPS in which the modifications of rules are proposed.
Dr. Dayalan Memorial oration awardees
Professor And Head Of Pediatric Surgery, Christian Medical College ,Vellore “Current Concepts In The Management Of Posterior Urethral Valve”
Professor And Head Of Pediatric Surgery,Institute Of Child Health,Chennai. “Cystic Lesions Of The Lung”
Professor And Head Of Pediatric Surgery, Coimbatore Medical College. “Role Of Laparoscopy In Pediatric Surgery”
Professor And Head Of Pediatric Surgery, Institute Of Child Health, Chennai. “30-Year Personal Experience With Hypospadias”
Honorary Medical Director, Kanchi Kamakoti Childs Trust Hospital, Chennai. “Trends In The Management Of Common Solid Tumors In Children”
Immediate Past-President Of Asian Association Of Pediatric Surgeons And Professor Of Pediatric Surgery, KK Women & Children Hospital , Singapore. “A Journey Through Minimally Invasive Surgery In Children”
Professor Of Pediatric Surgery, All India Institute Of Medical Sciences, New Delhi “Pediatric Surgery: Opportunities And Revelations”
Professor Of Pediatric Surgery, University Of Malaya, Malaysia “Pediatric Surgery -Yesterday, Today And Tomorrow”
Dr KG Kumaravel Memorial oration award
(This was a one-time oration award to commemorate the death anniversary of Dr KG Kumaravel.)
Professor Of Pediatric Urology, Institute Of Child Health, Chennai “Neuroblastoma“
Succession list of TPPS - Mr. K.M. Yusuf oration awardees
Professor Of General Surgery Cum Medical Educationalist, JIPMER, Pondicherry; Editor-In-Chief Of Tropical Gastroenterology “Writing A Research Thesis”
Professor of Pathology, Annamalai University “Tumor-markers in Pediatric solid tumors”
Consultant Ultrasonologist, Mediscans, Chennai “Role of ultrasonography in prenatal diagnosis”
Pediatric Anesthesiologist, Kanchi Kamakoti Childs Trust Hospital, Chennai. “Pediatric Anesthesia -Facts, Fashion and Future”
Founder President, Indian Hemophilia Society; Professor of Pediatric hematology, JIPMER (Retired); Professor of Pediatrics, Pondicherry Institute of Medical Sciences “Bleeding Disorders And Pediatric Surgeons”
Consultant Pediatric Radiologist, Sonic Scan, Chennai “Postnatal Evaluation Of The Antenatally Diagnosed Obstructive Uropathy”
Consultant Pediatric Neurosurgeon, Kanchi Kamakoti Childs Trust Hospital, Chennai “Travails And Tribulations Of A Pediatric Neurosurgeon”
Consultant Plastic Surgeon, Ganga Hospital, Coimbatore “Pediatric Trauma -Optimizing The Outcome”
Succession list of TPPS-KGV Travel fellowship awardees
Winners of TPPS-Annamalai Medal for best paper
(Christian Medical College, Vellore) “Tunica Vaginalis Flap for hypospadias”
Dr WILLIAM BHATTI (Christian Medical College, Vellore) “Neurogenic bladder -a study of 40 cases”
(* Prize shared by both contestants)
(Kanchi Kamakoti Childs Trust Hospital, Chennai) “Cine radiographic studies on Isoperistalitic gastic tube replacement of esophagus”
(Kanchi Kamakoti Childs Trust Hospital, Chennai) “Studies on gastric acidity in newborns and its correlation in infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis”
(Christian Medical College, Vellore) “Colon replacement of vagina to restore menstrual function”
(All lndia lnstitute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi) “Peripherally inserted central line versus central line in surgical neonates”
Winners of TPPS-Dr T. Gnanaseelan Memorial Prize
(Guide:Dr,Y.Raveenthiran, Rajah Muthiah Medical College, Annamalai University) “Male gender assignment and Neo-phalloplasty for penile agenesis: preliminary results of RAM flap technique.”